Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023/24
Tenant Satisfaction Measures, or TSM for short, have been developed by the Regulator of Social Housing to assess how well social housing landlords are doing at providing good quality homes and services to tenants.
Every year we will collect feedback from customers about how we’re doing and publish those results.
The TSMs give us an honest picture of the service we provide to you and, as a result, can then improve what we do and how we do it.
TSMs are designed to see how well landlords are performing in terms of:
- keeping homes in a good state of repair
- maintaining building safety
- respectful and helpful engagement
- effective handling of complaints
- responsible neighbourhood management
How do we get the TSM scores?
There are 22 TSM measures and 10 come from information we hold in our systems on our day-to-day work.
The other 12 come directly from an annual survey. To make sure we heard from as many of you as possible, we ran the survey in two different ways:
- Telephone
Our approach to TSMs
How did we collect feedback from tenants?
Between September and November 2023, 963 customers responded to our survey, of which 906 were customers living in low-cost rental accommodation (LCRA) and 57 living in shared ownership accommodation (SO).
- 547 by telephone
- 416 by email
We used an independent organisation called The Leadership Factor (TLF) to ensure all feedback was collected fairly and impartially.
Where are we looking to improve?
We’re working to improve across all the areas measured by TSMs, but we are particularly focusing on:
- Satisfaction with Repairs Service
- Keeping communal areas clean and well maintained
- Making a positive contribution to the neighbourhood
How can I find out how Greatwell Homes compared to other landlords?
Every landlord should be publishing their results on their website.
If you are thinking of moving to another landlord, including through a mutual exchange, you should be able to request information about how they carried out their surveys, their results and their plans to improve.
Our scores for 2023/24 (Low-cost Rentals)
Keeping homes in a good state of repair
satisfied with time take to complete your repair |
provides a home that is well maintained |
non-emergency repairs completed within our target timescale |
emergency responsive repairs completed within our target timescale |
Maintaining building safety
Respectful and helpful engagement
keeps you informed about the things that matter to you |
treats you fairly and with respect |
Effective handling of complaints
23.2stage one complaints receive per 1,000 homes |
2.1stage two complaints receive per 1,000 |
100%stage one complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code timescales |
100%stage two complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code timescales |
Responsible neighbourhood management
makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood |
our approach to anti-social behaviour (ASB) |
ASB cases opened per 1,000 homes |
ASB cases that involve hate incidents opened per 1,000 homes |
Our scores for 2023/24 (Shared Ownership)
Maintaining building safety
Respectful and helpful engagement
keeps you informed about the things that matter to you |
treats you fairly and with respect |
Effective handling of complaints
Responsible neighbourhood management
makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood |
our approach to anti-social behaviour |
ASB cases opened per 1,000 homes |
ASB cases that involve hate incidents opened per 1,000 homes |
You can find out more about how we did the survey in our summary of approach document here.
To help us meet the requirements of the Tenancy Satisfaction Measures (TSMs), we work with independent market research specialises to carry out our customer surveys. All landlords must ask customers the same 12 questions, which are detailed in the sample survey below:
- Appendix 1 – TSM questionnaire (e-mail version)
- Appendix 2 – TSM questionnaire (telephone version)
- Appendix 3 – Survey invite and reminder
You can find more information on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures by the Regulator of Social Housing here.