
Steps have been taken by the website developers, HGA, to ensure that this website is as accessible for as many people as possible. The latest Web Accessibility Initiative guidelines have been followed meticulously, making use of progressive enhancement features such as semantic HTML5, ARIA roles and screen-reader only text to provide users with much greater content where required.

Some visitors to this website may benefit from a free speech enabler software, called Browsealoud.   Browsealoud enables you to listen to, rather than read, our website content.  It offers a practical website access service to a range of people who may:

  • Have reading or literacy difficulties
  • Not be fluent in english as it is not their first language
  • Have dyslexia
  • Have mild visual impairment
  • Just find it easier to listen, rather than read.

To install this free software, first download it to your computer and follow the simple step-by-step guide.