Coronavirus – Government advice
Last updated: 16th September 2020
Residents of Northampton, Corby, Kettering and Wellingborough are being urged to take action as the number of cases has risen above the national rate. We need to work together to avoid a local lockdown.
We all need to take some simple steps
- Limit contact with others outside of your household or bubble
- Work from home if you can
- Keep 2 metres from others at all times, use a face covering where you are less than 2 metres apart
- Avoid meeting those outside of your household or bubble in an indoor space
- Wash your hand regularly and thoroughly for 20 seconds each time
- Do not share items with others outside of your household or bubble
- Avoid using public transport or car sharing, wear face covering if you cannot avoid these
- You must wear a face covering by law in certain public places such as libraries and public transport
- When meeting friends and family you do not live with (or have formed a support bubble with) you must not meet in a group of more than 6, indoors or outdoors:
COVID-19 symptoms include:
- A high temperature
- A new, continuous cough
- A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
If you have COVID-19 symptoms:
- Do not go to work. Either work from home or report sick, self-isolate and get a test
- Stay at home, self-isolate and get a test
- Even if you only have mild COVID-19 symptoms, get a test
- If you are contacted by test and trace and asked to self-isolate, stay at home for 14 days
You can find more information on the Northamptonshire County Council’s website.