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Greatwell Homes retains highest governance rating

The Regulator of Social Housing [RSH] confirms today that we have retained the highest possible governance rating following a government inspection.

We were awarded a ‘G1’, the highest rating for governance, demonstrating we are well-run, in control of meeting our corporate objectives and manage risks effectively.

RSH were also assured by our financial strength and awarded us a V2 for financial viability.

Jo Savage, Chief Executive at Greatwell Homes, said: “We have, yet again, been awarded the highest governance grade by the Regulator of Social Housing which demonstrates that the organisation is well run.

“As part of our Live Greatwell corporate plan, we commit to investing in our existing homes to make them safe places to live and shape areas people are proud of. The regulator sees our ability to manage our material risks and this is thanks to the strong governance structure here at Greatwell Homes.

“We did not retain this rating alone and I would like to personally thank all of our customers, colleagues, Board Members and partners for their continued support.”

In our Live safe strategy, we commit to investing more in existing homes to make sure they remain up to date, well maintained and suitable for people’s needs. This strategy is one of four that makes up our Live Greatwell corporate plan.

If you have any questions about this, please do contact us.