Chair of the Board
- Reference Number: Unspecified
- Expiry Date: 20230417000000
- Location: Wellingborough
- Salary: £12,136
Performance, development, communication and relationships
- To attend appropriate training, induction and other events
- To participate openly and honestly in collective and individual appraisal meetings, skills audits and succession planning
- To be open in communication and maintain good working relationships with Board members and employees
- To represent the Association as required and act as an ambassador for the Association
Effective meetings and decision making
- To fully prepare for, attend and participate in, meetings of the Board and its committees
- To question/challenge reports constructively to ensure decisions are well founded
- To avoid disclosing any confidential or commercially sensitive information
- To uphold the decisions of the Board or committees and ensure they are made in the best interests of the Association
Working with employees
- To recognise the Association’s duty of care as an employer
- To recognise the EMT’s responsibilities for management and supervision
- To be involved in the appointment (and if necessary the dismissal) of the Chief Executive and other members of the EMT as required
- To ensure appropriate succession planning is in place for members of the EMT
Strategic leadership
- To help develop the mission and uphold and demonstrate the values
- To participate in the development of the corporate plan, business strategies and key policies
- To set and monitor objectives, performance targets and benchmarks for the business
- Be committed to keeping up to date with issues facing the Association and its operating environment
Good governance
- To ensure legal and regulatory compliance
- To ensure the integrity of financial information
- To ensure robust frameworks are in place for financial planning, management of risk, internal controls and the safeguarding of assets, compliance and reputation of the organisation
- To fully participate in the work of the Board
- Uphold and promote the core purpose, values and objectives of the Association
Board performance and conduct
Same as Board member plus:
- To undertake annual reviews of the performance of each Board member and ensure there is a formal process
- To take a lead on the annual review of the collective Board effectiveness and triennial governance review
- To work with the Chief Executive to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct
- Provide leadership and ensure clarity of strategic direction to the Board and Greatwell Homes
Meetings and decision making
Same as Board member plus:
- To ensure committee meetings have been properly planned and convened; are quorate and that the minutes are an accurate and complete record
- To guide meetings through agendas, encourage participation and consensus, and ensure clarity of decision making
- To oversee the application of the Urgent & Efficient Decision Making Policy for committee business
- To oversee the application of the Urgent & Efficient Decision Making Policy
- To ensure decision making takes into considers the views and needs of the customer and other key stakeholders
Stakeholder relationships
- To ensure effective, open and transparent internal and external communication, and build and maintain good relationships with key stakeholders
- To represent the Association at meetings and events, including public speaking duties if required
- To act as a lead ambassador and representative for the Association, promoting its success and upholding its reputation
Working with the executive
- To establish a constructive working relationship with the EMT lead(s) for the committee providing them with support, guidance and challenge
- To ensure that there is a clear division of responsibilities between Non-executives and Executives
- To ensure that the Board receives professional advice when it is needed
- To establish a constructive working relationship with the Chief Executive providing them with support, guidance and challenge
- To ensure that the Board delegates sufficient authority and there is a clear division of responsibilities between Non-executives and Executives
Strategic thinking and direction
- Influences the development of business strategy
- Delegates responsibility for the delivery of strategy
- Understands the external and internal operating environment
- Anticipates and understands risks and consequences
- Encourages creativity and is open to new ways of working
- Establishing the culture that is positive, focused on the needs of the residents, other stakeholders
Analysis and understanding
- Demonstrate clear analytical intellect
- Focuses on the key issues and makes them clear to others
- Understands the sensitivities of key assumptions
- Satisfies themselves on the integrity of financial information and risk appraisal
- Possesses confidence to provide appropriate challenge and inquiry
Decision making
- Shows independent judgement and original thought
- Signs up to the collective ownership of decisions
- Applies objective analysis, reasoned and rational judgement
- Prepared to take difficult decisions and measured risks
- Respects and is open to the views of others, including customers and other key stakeholders
Communication and Interpersonal skills
- Engages effectively with key stakeholders
- Builds relationships based on personal credibility and integrity
- Communicates clearly and persuasively
- Is self-aware and expects constructive feedback
- Gets to know individuals and their aspirations
Team working and development
- Able to work collaboratively in relationships built on mutual respect
- Adds value to the work of the Board
- Demonstrates commitment, reliability and preparedness
- Supports others and celebrates success with the team
- Open to learning and development, for self and others
Organisational purpose and ethos
- Committed to meeting housing need
- Open to the views of customers and other stakeholders
- Supports the development of organisational culture
- Values successful partnership working
- Demonstrates leadership in equality, diversity and inclusion
Leadership and inspiration
- Provides clarity of strategic direction
- Projects themselves as open and approachable
- Leads by example and inspires colleagues to achieve more
- Resolves conflict and delivers solutions through negotiation and mediation
- Acts as a role model for the governance of the Association
- Sets out a compelling view of the future
- Leads the Association through periods of change and challenge
- Leads by example and inspires colleagues to add value
- Ability to Chair complex discussions and lead debates in an open and inclusive manner and to summarise appropriately
Management and facilitation
- Encourages participation and enables constructive challenge
- Facilitates consensus and influences decision making
- Supports Board members to work collaboratively
- Develops a good working partnership with members of the EMT
- Articulates clarity of purpose and the strategic relevance of decision making
- Seeks consensus and guides decision making
- Leads and supports Board members to work collaboratively
- Develops a strong working partnership with the Chief Executive