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Nuisance vehicles removed from our streets

Since introducing a zero-tolerance position on untaxed, abandoned and unsafe vehicles on our land, there have been 11 vehicles taken off the streets making your communities safer and nicer places to live.

We’ve been working with the North Northamptonshire Council to warn owners to remove their vehicles and if they fail to do so, remove them completely. This includes any parked on the street or in garage and parking areas.

This is all part of our aim to shape places that people are proud of.

Why do we remove them?

Abandoned vehicles not only make the areas look untidy, but they also encourage anti-social behaviour and arson. If they’re causing an obstruction to a road or parking area, they can also be unsafe for other members of the public.

How to report an abandoned vehicle

Abandoned vehicles often have flat tyres, broken windows, expired tax or have been vandalised. They usually haven’t moved for a long period of time.

If you want to report an abandoned vehicle, you need to inform the End of Life Vehicle Impound Scheme – ELVIS – by emailing If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.