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Our commitment to being more visible in your communities as our customer reception closes

In March 2020, we closed our customer reception on Sheep Street, Wellingborough to ensure the safety of you, our staff and other visitors. All our staff who could, worked from home and communicated with each other, and you, in new and innovative ways.

While there are some things that we can’t wait to return to ‘normal’, there has also been some positives to how we have been working over the last couple of months that we could bring into our new normal. We have sent surveys out to customers asking how this current way of communicating is working for you, and how you would like to work with us going forward.

You told us that you would prefer home visits and online communication such as web chats and videos calls now and in the future, more than you would prefer an office appointment. So taking this feedback on board, as well as many other factors and staff feedback, we have decided to permanently close our offices on Sheep Street.

What exactly does this mean?

This means there’ll be no customer facing reception that you’ll be able to attend and our staff will remain working from home.

As a result of this, we will have an increased commitment to being more visible in your communities by coming to you. We will also invest in more digital technologies to make it easier for you to contact us quickly from the comfort of our own home.

We still have strict Government restrictions on what we can and can’t do at the moment, which is why, for the time being, we will continue communicating with you as we have over the last nine months – mainly by phone and email. However, when restrictions are lifted, we will be able to visit your home a lot more frequently and be more present in your local community.

How can I get in contact with you?

For now (whilst restrictions are still in place), you can contact us on any of the below methods:

  • You can update your details, pay your rent, report a repair, raise any antisocial behaviour, set up a direct debit and contact us through your online account
  • You can send us an email here
  • You can direct message us on Facebook and Twitter (we aim to get back to you within one hour)
  • You can call us here

When restrictions are lifted, you will be able to book a time for your Neighbourhood Housing Officer to visit you or use even more of our services online, but we’ll let you know more about that when we’re able to offer them.

We know that there were some of you that did use our customer facing reception, but we want to reassure you that this does not mean you will not be able to see us in person. Quite the opposite. Our main aim, out of all of this is to be more visible in your communities and for us to come to you, so you can focus on the other priorities in your lives.

If you have any questions about this at all, please contact us on one of the methods above.